

The Main class wraps a RideModule to supply a fully functional command-line interface which includes

  • Training (”–train”)

  • Evaluation on validation set (”–validate”)

  • Evaluation on test set (”–test”)

  • Logger integration (”–logging_backend”)

  • Hyperparameter search (”–hparamsearch”)

  • Hyperparameter file loading (”–from_hparams_file”)

  • Profiling of model timing, flops, and params (”–profile_model”)

  • Checkpointing

  • Checkpoint loading (”–resume_from_checkpoint”)


All it takes to get a working CLI is to add the following to the bottom of a file:


import numpy as np
from ride import RideModule, TopKAccuracyMetric
from .examples.mnist_dataset import MnistDataset

class MyRideModule(RideModule, TopKAccuracyMetric(1,3), MnistDataset):
    def __init__(self, hparams):
        # `self.input_shape` and `self.output_shape` were injected via `MnistDataset`
        self.lin = torch.nn.Linear(, self.output_shape)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
        x = torch.relu(self.lin(x))
        return x

ride.Main(MyRideModule).argparse()  # <-- Add this

and executing from the command line:

>> python --train --test --max_epochs 1 --id my_first_run

lightning: Global seed set to 123
ride: Running on host d40049
ride: ⭐️ View project repository at
ride: Run data is saved locally at /Users/username/project_folder/logs/run_logs/my_first_run/version_0
ride: Logging using Tensorboard
ride: 🚀 Running training
ride: Checkpointing on val/loss with optimisation direction min
lightning: GPU available: False, used: False
lightning: TPU available: None, using: 0 TPU cores
| Name | Type   | Params
0 | l1   | Linear | 100 K
1 | l2   | Linear | 1.3 K
101 K     Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
101 K     Total params
0.407     Total estimated model params size (MB)
Epoch 0: 100%|███████████████| 3751/3751 [00:16<00:00, 225.44it/s, loss=0.762, v_num=0, step_train/loss=0.899]
lightning: Epoch 0, global step 3437: val/loss reached 0.90666 (best 0.90666), saving model to "/Users/username/project_folder/logs/run_logs/my_first_run/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=0-step=3437.ckpt" as top 1
Epoch 1: 100%|███████████████| 3751/3751 [00:17<00:00, 210.52it/s, loss=0.581, v_num=1, step_train/loss=0.0221]
lightning: Epoch 1, global step 3437: val/loss reached 0.61922 (best 0.61922), saving model to "/Users/username/project_folder/logs/run_logs/my_first_run/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=1-step=6875.ckpt" as top 1
lightning: Saving latest checkpoint...
ride: 🚀 Running evaluation on test set
Testing: 100%|███████████████| 625/625 [00:01<00:00, 432.69it/s]
ride: Results:
test/epoch: 0.000000000
test/loss: 0.889312625
test/top1acc: 0.739199996
test/top3acc: 0.883000016

ride: Saving /Users/username/project_folder/ride/logs/my_first_run/version_0/evaluation/test_results.yaml


The best way to explore all the options available is to run the “–help”

>> python --help


Commands that control the top-level flow of the programme.

--hparamsearch        Run hyperparameter search. The best hyperparameters
                        will be used for subsequent lifecycle methods
--train               Run model training
--validate            Run model evaluation on validation set
--test                Run model evaluation on test set
--profile_model       Profile the model

Settings that apply to the programme in general.

--id ID               Identifier for the run. If not specified, the current
                        timestamp will be used (Default: 202101011337)
--seed SEED           Global random seed (Default: 123)
--logging_backend {tensorboard,wandb}
                        Type of experiment logger (Default: tensorboard)

Pytorch Lightning:
Settings inherited from the pytorch_lightning.Trainer
--gpus GPUS           number of gpus to train on (int) or which GPUs to
                        train on (list or str) applied per node

Settings associated with hyperparameter optimisation

Settings associated with the Module
--loss {mse_loss,l1_loss,nll_loss,cross_entropy,binary_cross_entropy,...}
                        Loss function used during optimisation.
                        (Default: cross_entropy)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Dataloader batch size. (Default: 64)
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of CPU workers to use for dataloading.
                        (Default: 10)
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate. (Default: 0.1)
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Weight decay. (Default: 1e-05)
--momentum MOMENTUM   Momentum. (Default: 0.9)
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