
Source code for ride.finetune

import pickle
import re
from argparse import ArgumentError
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch

from ride.core import Configs
from ride.unfreeze import Unfreezable
from ride.utils.logging import getLogger
from ride.utils.utils import attributedict, to_dict

[docs]logger = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Finetunable(Unfreezable): """Adds finetune capabilities to model This module is automatically added when RideModule is inherited """
[docs] hparams: ...
[docs] def configs() -> Configs: c: Configs = Unfreezable.configs() c.add( name="finetune_from_weights", default="", type=str, description=( "Path to weights to finetune from. " "Allowed extension include {'.ckpt', '.pyth', '.pth', '.pkl', '.pickle'}." ), ) c.add( name="finetune_from_weights_key", default="", type=str, description="Key in weights-file, which should contains model state_dict in case of '.pyth' or '.pth' files.", ) c.add( name="finetune_params_skip", default="", type=str, description=( "Regex for matching parameter names between fintune source and target model." "The parameter is not copied if `finetune_params_skip` is in paramer name." ), ) return c
[docs] def validate_attributes(self): for hparam in Finetunable.configs().names: attrgetter(f"hparams.{hparam}")(self) Unfreezable.validate_attributes(self)
[docs] def map_loaded_weights(self, file, loaded_state_dict): return loaded_state_dict
[docs] def on_init_end(self, hparams, *args, **kwargs): self.hparams.finetune_params_skip = ( f".*({self.hparams.finetune_params_skip}).*" if self.hparams.finetune_params_skip else None ) if not self.hparams.finetune_from_weights: Unfreezable.on_init_end(self, hparams, *args, **kwargs) return # Load model new_model_state = self.state_dict() # type: ignore # Load hparams default_ft_hparams = to_dict(Finetunable.configs().default_values()) hparams_passed = attributedict( { k: (default_ft_hparams[k] if k in default_ft_hparams else v) for k, v in self.hparams.items() } ) state_dict = load_model_weights( self.hparams.finetune_from_weights, hparams_passed, self.hparams.finetune_from_weights_key, ) state_dict = self.map_loaded_weights( self.hparams.finetune_from_weights, state_dict ) def key_ok(k): return ( k in new_model_state and k in state_dict and not ( self.hparams.finetune_params_skip and re.match(self.hparams.finetune_params_skip, k) ) ) def size_ok(k): return new_model_state[k].size() == state_dict[k].size() to_load = {k: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if key_ok(k) and size_ok(k)} self.load_state_dict(to_load, strict=False) # type: ignore names_missing = set(new_model_state.keys()) - set(to_load.keys()) names_missing = {n for n in names_missing if "num_batches_tracked" not in n} if names_missing: logger.debug(f"missing keys: {sorted(names_missing)}") names_unexpected = set(state_dict.keys()) - set(new_model_state.keys()) names_unexpected = { n for n in names_unexpected if "num_batches_tracked" not in n } if names_unexpected: logger.debug(f"unexpected keys: {sorted(names_unexpected)}") Unfreezable.on_init_end( self, hparams, names_to_unfreeze=names_missing, *args, **kwargs
[docs]def load_model_weights(file: str, hparams_passed, model_state_key): path = Path(file) suffix = path.suffix assert ( path.exists() ), f"Unable to load model weights from non-existing file ({file})""Loading model weights from {path}") if suffix in {".ckpt"}: return pl.utilities.cloud_io.load( file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage )["state_dict"] elif suffix in {".pyth", ".pth", ".pt"}: return try_pyth_load(file, model_state_key) elif suffix in {".pkl", ".pickle"}: return try_pickle_load(file) else: raise ArgumentError( f"Unable to load model weights with suffix '{suffix}'. Suffix must be one of {'.ckpt', '.pyth', '.pth', '.pt', '.pkl', '.pickle'}"
[docs]def try_pyth_load(file, model_state_key): loaded = torch.load(file, map_location="cpu") if issubclass(type(loaded), torch.nn.Module): return loaded.state_dict() assert issubclass( type(loaded), dict ), "pyth checkpoint should either be a model or a dict of weights" guesses = [ model_state_key, "state_dict", "model_state", ] for g in guesses: if g in loaded.keys(): state_dict = loaded[g] break # Check if we already have a state_dict if all([isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) for v in loaded.values()]): state_dict = loaded if not state_dict: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError( f"None of the tried keys {guesses} fits loaded model state {loaded.keys()}. You can try another key using the `finetune_from_weights_key` hparam." ) return state_dict
[docs]def try_pickle_load(file): with open(file, "r") as f: try: return pickle.load(file) except Exception: pass try: return pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1") except Exception: pass with open(file, "rb") as f: try: return pickle.load(file) except Exception: pass try: return pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1") except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass raise ValueError(f"Unable to load file {file}") # pragma: no cover

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