
Source code for ride.hparamsearch

import sys
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Type, Union

from pytorch_lightning.utilities.parsing import AttributeDict

from ride.core import Configs, RideModule
from ride.runner import Runner, is_runnable
from ride.utils.env import NUM_CPU, TUNE_LOGS_PATH
from ride.utils.gpus import parse_num_gpus
from import bump_version, dump_json, dump_yaml, load_structured_data
from ride.utils.logging import getLogger

[docs]logger = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Hparamsearch: def __init__(self, Module: Type[RideModule]): assert is_runnable(Module) self.Module = Module self.module_name = Module.__name__
[docs] def configs(self) -> Configs: c = Configs() c.add( name="trials", default=30, type=int, description="Number of trials in the hyperparameter search", ) c.add( name="gpus_per_trial", default=0, type=int, description="Number of GPUs per trail in the hyperparameter search", ) c.add( name="optimization_metric", default="loss", type=str, choices=self.Module.metric_names(), description="Name of the performance metric that should be optimized", ) c.add( name="from_hparam_space_file", default=None, type=str, description="Path to file with specification for the search space during hyper-parameter optimisation", ) return c
[docs] def __call__(self, args: AttributeDict):
[docs] def run(self, args: AttributeDict): """Run hyperparameter search using the `tune.schedulers.ASHAScheduler` Args: args (AttributeDict): Arguments Side-effects: Saves logs to `TUNE_LOGS_PATH /` """ try: from ray import tune from ray.tune.integration.pytorch_lightning import ( TuneReportCheckpointCallback, ) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # pragma: no cover logger.error( "To use hyperparameter search, first install Ray Tune via `pip install 'ray[tune]'` or `pip install 'ride[extras]'`" ) raise e if not hasattr(args, "id"): = "hparamsearch" module_config = ( Configs.from_file(args.from_hparam_space_file) if args.from_hparam_space_file else self.Module.configs() ).tune_config() config = { **dict(args), **module_config, # pl.Trainer args: "gpus": args.gpus_per_trial, "logger": False, "accumulate_grad_batches": ( (8 // args.gpus_per_trial) * args.accumulate_grad_batches if args.gpus_per_trial else args.accumulate_grad_batches ), } scheduler = tune.schedulers.ASHAScheduler( metric=f"val/{args.optimization_metric}", mode=self.Module.metrics()[args.optimization_metric].value, max_t=args.max_epochs, grace_period=1, reduction_factor=2, ) metric_names = [f"val/{m}" for m in self.Module.metrics().keys()] reporter = tune.CLIReporter( metric_columns=[*metric_names, "training_iteration"], ) tune_callbacks = [ TuneReportCheckpointCallback( metrics=metric_names, filename="checkpoint", on="validation_end", ) ] cpus_per_trial = max( 1, ( min(10 * args.gpus_per_trial, NUM_CPU - 10) if args.gpus_per_trial else min(10, NUM_CPU - 2) ), ) analysis = partial( Runner.static_train_and_val, self.Module, trainer_callbacks=tune_callbacks, ),, local_dir=str(TUNE_LOGS_PATH), resources_per_trial={"cpu": cpus_per_trial, "gpu": args.gpus_per_trial}, config=config, num_samples=args.trials, scheduler=scheduler, progress_reporter=reporter, raise_on_failed_trial=False, ) best_hparams = analysis.get_best_config( metric=f"val/{args.optimization_metric}", mode=self.Module.metrics()[args.optimization_metric].value, scope="all", ) # Select only model parameters if best_hparams: best_hparams = { k: best_hparams[k] for k in [ *self.Module.configs().names, # Trainer parameters that influence model hparams: "accumulate_grad_batches", "batch_size", "gpus", ] } return best_hparams
[docs] def dump(hparams: dict, identifier: str, extention="yaml") -> str: """Dumps haparams to TUNE_LOGS_PATH / identifier / "best_hparams.json" """ dump_path = bump_version( TUNE_LOGS_PATH / identifier / f"best_hparams.{extention}" ) dump = {"json": dump_json, "yaml": dump_yaml}[extention] dump(dump_path, hparams) return str(dump_path)
[docs] def load( path: Union[Path, str], old_args=AttributeDict(), Cls: Type[RideModule] = None, auto_scale_lr=False, ) -> AttributeDict: """Loads hparams from path Args: path (Union[Path, str]): Path to jsonfile containing hparams old_args (Optional[AttributeDict]):The AttributeDict to be updated with the new hparams cls (Optional[RideModule]): A class whole hyperparameters can be used to select the relevant hparams to take Returns: AttributeDict: AttributeDict with updated hyperparameters """ path = Path(path) hparams = load_structured_data(path) if Cls: hparam_names = Cls.configs().names hparams = {k: v for k, v in hparams.items() if k in hparam_names} # During hparamsearch, only a single GPU is used, but accumulate_grad_batches is set to the total number of gpus given # If we have multiple GPUs, we need to reduce accumulate_grad_batches accordingly num_gpus = parse_num_gpus(old_args.gpus) if num_gpus > 0 and "accumulate_grad_batches" in hparams: # pragma: no cover hparams["accumulate_grad_batches"] = max( 1, int(hparams["accumulate_grad_batches"]) // num_gpus ) old_args = dict(old_args) user_passed_arg_keys = [a[2:] for a in sys.argv if a.startswith("--")] user_passed_args = { k: v for k, v in old_args.items() if k in user_passed_arg_keys } # If batch size was changed by user, automatically apply the linear scaling rule to the learning rate if ( auto_scale_lr and "batch_size" in hparams and "learning_rate" in hparams and "batch_size" in user_passed_args and "learning_rate" not in user_passed_args ): old_accumulate_grad_batches = ( hparams["accumulate_grad_batches"] if "accumulate_grad_batches" in hparams else 1 ) new_accumulate_grad_batches = ( user_passed_args["accumulate_grad_batches"] if "accumulate_grad_batches" in user_passed_args else old_accumulate_grad_batches ) new_tot_batch = new_accumulate_grad_batches * user_passed_args["batch_size"] old_tot_batch = old_accumulate_grad_batches * hparams["batch_size"] if new_tot_batch != old_tot_batch: scaling = new_tot_batch / old_tot_batch user_passed_args["learning_rate"] = hparams["learning_rate"] * scaling f"🔧 A `batch_size*accumulate_grad_batches` ({new_tot_batch}) differs from hparams file ({old_tot_batch}). " f"Scaling learning_rate from {hparams['learning_rate']} to {user_passed_args['learning_rate']} (= {hparams['learning_rate']} × {new_tot_batch} / {old_tot_batch})" ) return AttributeDict(**{**old_args, **hparams, **user_passed_args})

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