
Source code for ride.lifecycle

import collections
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule
from supers import supers
from torch import Tensor

from ride.core import Configs
from ride.logging import log_figures
from ride.metrics import (
from ride.utils.gpus import parse_num_gpus
from ride.utils.logging import getLogger
from ride.utils.utils import some_callable

[docs]loss_names = { "binary_cross_entropy", "binary_cross_entropy_with_logits", "poisson_nll_loss", # cosine_embedding_loss(input1, input2, target) "cross_entropy", # ctc_loss(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths) "hinge_embedding_loss", "kl_div", "l1_loss", "mse_loss", # margin_ranking_loss(input1, input2, target) "multilabel_margin_loss", "multilabel_soft_margin_loss", "multi_margin_loss", "nll_loss", "smooth_l1_loss", "soft_margin_loss",
# triplet_margin_loss(anchor, positive, negative) # triplet_margin_with_distance_loss(anchor, positive, negative) }
[docs]logger = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Lifecycle(MetricMixin): """Adds train, val, and test lifecycle methods with cross_entropy loss During its `traning_epoch_end(epoch)` lifecycle method, it will call `on_traning_epoch_end` for all superclasses of its child class """
[docs] hparams: ...
[docs] forward: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]
[docs] _epoch: int
[docs] def _metrics(cls): return {"loss": OptimisationDirection.MIN}
def __init__(self, hparams=None, *args, **kwargs): self._epoch = 0 self.hparams.num_gpus = parse_num_gpus(hparams.gpus) self._sync_dist = self.hparams.num_gpus > 1 if not some_callable(self, "loss", min_num_args=2): self.loss = attrgetter(hparams.loss)(F)
[docs] def validate_attributes(self): for attribute in [ "forward", "training_step", "validation_step", "test_step", ]: attrgetter(attribute)(self) for hparam in Lifecycle.configs().names: attrgetter(f"hparams.{hparam}")(self)
[docs] def configs() -> Configs: c = Configs() c.add( name="optimization_metric", default="loss", type=str, choices=MetricMixin.metric_names(), description="Name of the performance metric that should be optimized", ) c.add( name="test_ensemble", type=int, default=0, strategy="constant", description="Flag indicating whether the test dataset should yield a clip ensemble.", ) c.add( name="gpus", type=str, default=None, strategy="constant", description="Which gpus should be used. Can be either the number of gpus (e.g. '2') or a list of gpus (e.g. ('0,1').", ) c.add( name="loss", type=str, default="cross_entropy", choices=loss_names, strategy="constant", description="Loss function used during optimisation.", ) return c
[docs] def metrics_step( self, preds: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, **kwargs ) -> MetricDict: return {"loss": self.loss(preds, targets)}
[docs] def common_step(self, pred, target, prefix="train/", log=False): opt_key = prefix + self.hparams.optimization_metric loss_key = prefix + "loss" metrics = prefix_keys(prefix, self.collect_metrics(pred, target)) if log: LightningModule.log( self, name=f"step_{loss_key}", value=metrics[loss_key], prog_bar=True, logger=True, sync_dist=self._sync_dist, ) if opt_key != loss_key and opt_key in metrics: LightningModule.log( self, name=f"step_{opt_key}", value=metrics[opt_key], prog_bar=True, logger=True, sync_dist=self._sync_dist, ) return { "loss": metrics[loss_key], **detach_to_cpu(metrics), "pred": detach_to_cpu(pred), "target": detach_to_cpu(target),
[docs] def common_epoch_end( self, step_outputs, prefix="train/", exclude_keys={"pred", "target"} ): keys = list(step_outputs[0].keys()) mean_step_metrics = { k: torch.mean(torch.stack([x[k] for x in step_outputs])) for k in keys if k not in exclude_keys } preds, targets = zip(*[(s["pred"], s["target"]) for s in step_outputs]) preds = cat_steps(preds) targets = cat_steps(targets) epoch_metrics = prefix_keys( prefix, self.collect_epoch_metrics(preds, targets, prefix.replace("/", "")), ) epoch_metrics, epoch_figures = sort_out_figures(epoch_metrics) all_metrics = {**mean_step_metrics, **epoch_metrics} LightningModule.log_dict(self, all_metrics, sync_dist=self._sync_dist) log_figures(self, epoch_figures)
[docs] def preprocess_batch(self, batch): return batch
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx=None): if batch_idx == 0: supers(self).on_traning_epoch_start(self._epoch) batch = self.preprocess_batch(batch) x, target = batch[0], batch[1] pred = self.forward(x) return self.common_step(pred, target, prefix="train/", log=True)
[docs] def training_epoch_end(self, step_outputs): self._epoch += 1 self.common_epoch_end(step_outputs, prefix="train/")
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx=None): batch = self.preprocess_batch(batch) x, target = batch[0], batch[1] pred = self.forward(x) return self.common_step(pred, target, prefix="val/")
[docs] def validation_epoch_end(self, step_outputs): self.common_epoch_end(step_outputs, prefix="val/")
[docs] def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx=None): if batch is None: return None batch = self.preprocess_batch(batch) x, target = batch[0], batch[1] pred = self.forward(x) if not self.hparams.test_ensemble: return { **self.common_step(pred, target, prefix="test/"), "pred": detach_to_cpu(pred), "target": detach_to_cpu(target), } identifier = batch[-1] # Delay computation of metrics to epoch end return {"pred": pred, "target": target, "identifier": identifier}
[docs] def test_epoch_end(self, step_outputs): if self.hparams.test_ensemble: keys = set(step_outputs[0].keys()) assert keys == {"pred", "target", "identifier"} # Unbatching step_outputs step_outputs = [ {k: batch_step[k][i] for k in keys} for batch_step in step_outputs for i in range(len(batch_step["identifier"])) ] # Grouping samples by identifier steps_by_key = [ (i, list(group)) for i, group in groupby( step_outputs, key=lambda x: int(x["identifier"]) ) ] # Averaging predictions preds_and_targets = [ ( torch.mean( torch.stack([s["pred"] for s in steps]), dim=0 ).unsqueeze(0), steps[0]["target"].unsqueeze(0), # unqueeze to add batch dim ) for _, steps in steps_by_key ] # Computing steps step_outputs = [ { **self.common_step(pred, target, prefix="test/"), "pred": pred, "target": target, } for pred, target in preds_and_targets ] self.common_epoch_end(step_outputs, prefix="test/")
[docs]def prefix_keys(prefix: str, dictionary: Dict) -> Dict: return {f"{prefix}{k}": v for k, v in dictionary.items()}
[docs]def detach_to_cpu(x: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor], Dict[Any, Tensor]]): if isinstance(x, Tensor): return x.detach().cpu() if isinstance(x, return [detach_to_cpu(t) for t in x] if isinstance(x, dict): return {k: detach_to_cpu(v) for k, v in x.items()} return x
[docs]def cat_steps(steps: Sequence[Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor], Dict[Any, Tensor]]]): if len(steps) == 0: return steps step = steps[0] if isinstance(step, Tensor): return if isinstance(step, return [cat_steps([s[i] for s in steps]) for i in range(len(step))] if isinstance(step, dict): return {k: cat_steps([s[k] for s in steps]) for k in step.keys()} raise ValueError("Steps should contain either a Tensor of Dict")

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