
Source code for ride.utils.discriminative_lr

# Modified from

import functools
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn

from ride.utils.logging import getLogger

[docs]logger = getLogger(__name__)
""" Developped by the Fastai team for the Fastai library From the fastai library and """ ############################################################################### # Unmodified classes and functions:
[docs]class PrePostInitMeta(type): "A metaclass that calls optional `__pre_init__` and `__post_init__` methods" def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): x = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) old_init = x.__init__ def _pass(self): pass @functools.wraps(old_init) def _init(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__pre_init__() old_init(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__post_init__() x.__init__ = _init if not hasattr(x, "__pre_init__"): x.__pre_init__ = _pass if not hasattr(x, "__post_init__"): x.__post_init__ = _pass return x
[docs]class Module(nn.Module, metaclass=PrePostInitMeta): "Same as `nn.Module`, but no need for subclasses to call `super().__init__`"
[docs] def __pre_init__(self): super().__init__()
def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class ParameterModule(Module): "Register a lone parameter `p` in a module." def __init__(self, p: nn.Parameter): self.val = p
[docs] def forward(self, x): return x
[docs]def children(m: nn.Module): "Get children of `m`." return list(m.children())
[docs]def num_children(m: nn.Module): "Get number of children modules in `m`." return len(children(m))
[docs]def children_and_parameters(m: nn.Module): "Return the children of `m` and its direct parameters not registered in modules." children = list(m.children()) children_p = sum([[id(p) for p in c.parameters()] for c in m.children()], []) for p in m.parameters(): if id(p) not in children_p: children.append(ParameterModule(p)) return children
[docs]def even_mults(start: float, stop: float, n: int) -> np.ndarray: "Build log-stepped array from `start` to `stop` in `n` steps." mult = stop / start step = mult ** (1 / (n - 1)) return np.array([start * (step**i) for i in range(n)])
[docs]flatten_model = ( lambda m: sum(map(flatten_model, children_and_parameters(m)), []) if num_children(m) else [m]
) ############################################################################### """ Modified version of lr_range from fastai """
[docs]def lr_range(net: nn.Module, lr: slice, model_len: int) -> np.ndarray: "Build differential learning rates from `lr`." if not isinstance(lr, slice): return lr if lr.start: res = even_mults(lr.start, lr.stop, model_len) else: res = [lr.stop / 10] * (model_len - 1) + [lr.stop] return res
[docs]def unfreeze_layers(model: nn.Sequential, unfreeze: bool = True) -> None: "Unfreeze or freeze all layers" for layer in model.parameters(): layer.requires_grad = unfreeze
[docs]def build_param_dicts( layers: nn.Sequential, lr: list = [0], return_len: bool = False ) -> Union[int, list]: """ Either return the number of layers with requires_grad is True or return a list of dictionnaries containing each layers on its associated LR" Both weight and bias are check for requires_grad is True """ params = [] idx = 0 for layer in layers: param = [] if hasattr(layer, "requires_grad"): # and layer.requires_grad: # To implement for custom nn.Parameter() logger.debug("Custom nn.Parameter() not supported") if getattr(layer, "weight", None) is not None: param.append(layer.weight) if getattr(layer, "bias", None) is not None: param.append(layer.bias) if param: params.append({"params": param, "lr": f"{lr[idx]}"}) idx += 1 if return_len: idx = 0 # We don't want to increment idx here. return len(params) if return_len else params
[docs]def discriminative_lr( net: nn.Module, lr: slice, unfreeze: bool = False ) -> Union[list, np.ndarray, nn.Sequential]: """ Flatten our model and generate a list of dictionnaries to be passed to the optimizer. - If only one learning rate is passed as a slice the last layer will have the corresponding learning rate and all other ones will have lr/10 - If two learning rates are passed such as slice(min_lr, max_lr) the last layer will have max_lr as a learning rate and the first one will have min_lr. All middle layers will have learning rates logarithmically interpolated ranging from min_lr to max_lr """ layers = nn.Sequential(*flatten_model(net)) # Flatten/ungroup our model if unfreeze: unfreeze_layers(layers, True) # Unfreeze all layers # Return the number of layer where requires_grad is True (bias + weight) model_len = build_param_dicts(layers, return_len=True) # Create the list of learning rates list_lr = lr_range(net, lr, model_len) # Create our optimizer parameters list of dictionnaries params_layers = build_param_dicts(layers, list_lr) return params_layers, list(list_lr), layers

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